Text: Deuteronomy 11:1-32

In the Promised Land where Yahweh was taking His people, there were many false religions. The worship practices of those religions may have seemed logical and perhaps included certain pleasures. Yahweh was warning the people that they should not go after those other gods. Doing so would bring Yahweh’s curses upon them (vv.26-28).

We who belong to Christ face the same command today. The worship of Christ Jesus is the only true religion; all other religions are false. But in Uganda it is very easy to combine false beliefs with the truth. The most common way is consulting witchdoctors. Often when a Christian prays to the Lord and the Lord does not give the desired answer, many Christians will enlist the services of a witchdoctor. That is false worship, and in so doing many become the enemies of the only true God. Pray about all your concerns, but whatever God’s answer, it is for your good, even if you may not like.

Meditate on verse 27. How are you going to apply it to your life?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray I will obey You, out of love and enjoy Your blessings. Amen.

