Text: Psalm 105:1-45
This is a long Psalm of praise to God for what He has done especially for His children, the Israelites. It is also important to note that this Psalm does not mention any of the weaknesses and failures of God’s children, Israel. The Psalm mentions God’s faithfulness through His power and loving kindness. The Psalm calls us to praise God (vv. 1-6), mentions God’s covenant promises (vv. 7-11), and detailed history from Abraham to Joseph (vv. 12-22), the coming of Israel into Egypt and their later departure (vv. 23-38) and Israel’s great trek to the Promised Land (Canaan) (vv. 39-45).
The Psalm ends in calling God’s children to follow His laws. God is calling us to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit as His redeemed children through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
Meditate on verse 4. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I seek You and Your strength. I seek Your face
evermore. Amen.