The Christian women’s fellowship (CWF) was started in Uganda in 1905. It is a non-discriminatory ministry which unites all Christian women, young, old, married, unmarried or widowed to uphold the world wide fellowship of Christian women in prayer and service.
The all saints Chapter was started in 1997.
Be the leading CWF in the diocese of Kampala, by raising Christian women in the fear, love and service of the Lord.
To serve the Lost by unifying, developing and supporting Christian women in the church and communities.
Aims and Objectives
Membership is open to all Christian women from the age of Twelve (12) years. New members are enrolled every year on Mary Magdalene Day.
Every year, members elect their leaders. Eligibility for leadership of the fellowship is limited to enrolled members who have paid membership fees. The leadership team comprises of the following officers.
Vice chairperson
Deputy Secretary
Five Committer members
Programmes and activities:
CWF has several programmes and activities that facilitate the achievement of its aims and objectives and contribute to the realisation of the missionof All Saints Cathedral. The fellowship has long term, short term and continuous programmes and activities. These are:
Long Term
We identify and support to needy children to attain education.
Continuing programmes
CWF is also involved in continuous programmes and activities to promote spiritual growth, personal development, and economicwell-being and consolidate unity of the members.
These activities include:
Visiting the sick.
Visiting and counselling with the bereaved.
Bi-weekly fellowship for members.
Housing guest speakers to the cathedral.
Personal Development and well-being activities.
Conference, seminars and retreats.
The funds used by the fellowship to carry out its aims and objectives come from five main streams.
Membership fees.
Cathedral Contribution.
Donations from well-wishers and various funding support agencies.
Decoration Project.
The fellowship meets twice a month on “the second and last Saturday of the month”