The All Saints’ Cathedral Building Project [ACP] is a special project of the Cathedral. The current Sanctuary has been expanded three times in its life and now fills to capacity with an overflow of people occupying three large tents introduced on the Church compound over 20 years ago. The Cathedral project has lasted over 15 years and has so far gone through the
hands of three (3) Archbishops and five (5) Provosts. This makes the parishioners eager to see the new Cathedral completed.
The new 5000-seater Cathedral designed in 2010 is being implemented on limited land space on Nakasero Hill, in Kampala City, as a storied complex in 3 phases:
• Phase 1 covered the basement parking for 150 cars and new Cathedral Offices lay out.
This was completed in 2012 and obligations were settled in 2015;
• Phase 2 covered the Super Structure of the Sanctuary to achieve a roofed building in October 2019.
• Phase 3: has commenced and will include Finishes, Closures, Fittings, Equipment Installations and Furnishing.
During this year 2020, we will focus on the Sanctuary interiors and associated building services. In 2021, the Sanctuary Exterior, Bell Tower and Offices [lower ground] will be done.
Furnishing and Equipment Installations may be achieved at any time, as the Lord provides the resources.
The projected cost for the Sanctuary Interiors, Closures and Sanitary facilities is estimated at UGX 7.5 Billion to cover Works, Consultancy services and Taxes. The Archbishop, Provost and ACP Team are grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourgage you to contiue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and [mobilise] Partners for this great work as you honour God.

A. Financial Status:
ACP Summary of collections of February and March 2020

Week 1 to 4 (February 2020)Week 1 (March 2020)
7:30amUgx. 9,228,300; USD $ 102Ugx. 5,871,500;
9:30amUgx. 16,687,500; USD $ 920Ugx. 6,551,000; USD $ 100
11:30amUgx. 10,851,400; USD $ 291Ugx. 2,797,700;
3pm (Safe Box)Ugx. 331,100; Ugx. 183,000; USD $ 100
Safe Box (Other Collections)Ugx. 8,055,500; USD $122Ugx. 4,608,200; USD $ 100
ACP Office & Tent CollectionUgx. 37,583,600; USD $ 100Ugx. 5,946,100
TOTAL COLLECTIONSUgx. 82,737,700; USD $ 1,532Ugx. 25,958,100; USD $ 300

Phase III, Lot 1 collections – UGX 1,315,741,278
Transitional works paid: UGX 81,779,360
Balance , Lot 1 – UGX 1,233,961,918

B: Technical Status
Phase 3 works have commenced and hence the site will remain under
restricted access. Transition Works ongoing include: Wall plastering, Railings, Block wall in-fills and External Works i.e earthworks, levelling,
retaining walls, Ramps, Paving and Boundary Fencing.

The interim schedule is as follows:
• March, 2020 – Transition works and re-engagement of Consultants and Interior designers.
• April, 2020 – Transition works and Procurement of Main Contractor and Specialist sub-contractors.
• May, 2020 – Continuation of Sanctuary Interiors Works.

C. Funds Mobilisation:
Thanks go to all the regular givers to ACP through: On going celebrations thanksgiving, Gideon commitments, regular Sunday collections, Fellowship and Group contributions, individual and family giving, one-off giving, Diaspora giving as well as buying of ACP branded Souvenirs.

To contribute to the building of the Cathedral, you can deposit money directly on our Bank Accounts [A/c Name: All Saints Cathedral ACP Fund; 01273550356324 – DFCU; 0341186188 – Absa Bank; KCB – All Saints Cathedral Kampala [ACP]; A/c No:2290717762] and Mobile Money using the details on the white ACP envelopes.

You can also contribute through ACP office, Cathedral Accounts office, Tent and the purple bag.

Thank You. ACP Team.

