Phase 3 of the project includes civil works finishes, closures, fittings, equipment Installations and furnishing.

During this year 2020, we will focus on the Sanctuary interiors and associated building services. In 2021, the Sanctuary Exteriors, Bell Tower and Offices (lower ground) will be done. Furnishing and Equipment installations may be achieved at any time, as the Lord provides the resources.

ACP Team is grateful for all your contributions to the project. We encourage you to continue to: Pray, Participate, Provide and (mobilise) Partners for this great work as you honour God.

A) Financial Status:
ACP Summary of collections for January 2020

Week 1 (January 2020)Week 2 (January 2020)Week 3 (January 2020)
7:30amUgx. 8,510,300; USD $ 4Ugx. 1,982,500Ugx. 2,392,200
9:30amUgx. 23,254,700; USD $ 400Ugx. 2,941,200; USD $ 500Ugx. 2,569,200
11:30amUgx. 3,687,400; USD $ 15Ugx. 2,780,500; USD $ 1Ugx. 4,305,800; USD $ 6
3pm (Safe Box)Ugx. 201,300; Ugx. 225,000
Safe Box (Other Collections)Ugx. 1,771,000;Ugx. 2,103,700Ugx. 2,789,200
ACP Office & Tent CollectionUgx. 4,880,300;Ugx. 8,316,500Ugx. 1,171,200
Direct Bank depositsUgx. 20,920,000
15% of general collectionsUgx. 22,472,266
TOTAL COLLECTIONSUgx. 64,575,966; USD $ 419Ugx. 39,244,900; USD $ 501Ugx. 13,451,600; USD $6

Phase III, Lot 1 collections- UGX 1,187,905,249

B) Technical Status
Prior to expiry of the contractual defects liability period for phase 2 works due to expire on 22 nd April 2020, the Cathedral has taken advantage of the existing contractual relationship with the Contractor to assign Extra works termed as Transition works into phase 3. The identified transition works will be completed by 3rd March 2020, in time for Installation of the incoming Archbishop/ Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala.

Transition Works being executed include:
  • Altar area works – Wall plastering, screeding, tiling and anti-glare to external windows.
  • Railings – permanent to galleries, temporary to stair cases and balconies.
  • Block work – Wall in-fills.
  • External Works – earthworks, levelling, retaining walls, ramps, laying motorable pavers, alternate access on Lugard road to drop-off area and boundary walling between our plot 6 and the lower side of Nakasero road.
Terms of Reference for Continuation of Consultancy services have been issued. It is anticipated that the same Consultants will be re-engaged
for phase 3 by the end of January 2020.

C) Funds Mobilisation:
Thanks go to all the regular givers to ACP through: On going celebrations thanksgiving, Gideon commitments, regular Sunday collections, Fellowship and Group contributions, individual and family giving, one-off giving, Diaspora giving as well as buying of ACP branded Souvenirs. We still request for your contribution as the finishes and closures commence.

To contribute to the building of the Cathedral, you can deposit money directly on our Bank Accounts [A/c Name: All Saints Cathedral ACP Fund; 01273550356324 – DFCU; 0341186188 – Barclays; KCB

All Saints Cathedral Kampala [ACP]; A/c No:2290717762] and Mobile Money using the details on the white ACP envelopes. You can also contribute through ACP office, Cathedral Accounts office,Tent and the purple bag.
Thank you and Hapy new Year .
ACP Team


