The Peace of the Lord be with you: Halleluiah! Following on with the Monthly Theme ‘Family Stewardship’, the Rt. Revd Dr. Edward Muhiima exposed the sub Topic ‘Christ the Lord of Glory’. The Preacher pointed out that Palm Sunday commemorates the glorious entry of
Jesus Christ to Jerusalem when He used a mere despised donkey as a mode of His transport [Matt: 21:1-11].
In doing so unlike other secular Leaders then who rode on Horses’ backs; the personality of Jesus was defined, His significance re-assured and the special attraction from His congregation registered Him as Son of God who had brought new life, salvation and redemption to them.
Dr. Muhiima outlined six(6) distinctive Qualities of Jesus Christ, inclusive:
Guiding Questions and Prayer Requests
Reverend Erisa Grace Sentongo
Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care
Tel. Nos. +256 414342128 +256 772503180/ +256 702503180