cellgroupPraise the Lord Brethren! All the four (4) Services at All Saints Cathedral –Nakasero participated and shared in the Christmas Carol Services that were conducted jointly by all our different Choirs! It was an Event as well as a Spectacle that none could miss! If you missed, try next year [2017] to feel and get a test of being an ‘’All Santarian”.

The Vicar of the Cathedral Rev. Can. Diana M. Nkesiga provided the Homily and rooted her message from Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-25 respectively and drawing on the
Theme ‘‘The Great Announcement’’. She clearly pointed out that:

  1. Waiting for the prophetic Promise of the Messiah and to be fulfilled in time was indeed a great testing period! The Messiah would set us free, bring peace and rule with righteousness and justice;
  2. As proclaimed by different Prophets He brought joy and hope to the entire World; He ushered those who believed in Him into increased resource and abundance. He was and still is the Light to the World;
  3. The Messiah broke the yoke of oppression and established a New Kingdom as prophesied in the OT by Isaiah; and also as testified by the Angel Gabriel to Mary who was/is the Mother of Jesus; and
  4. The Heavenly Choir too announced the birth of Jesus as a Prince of Peace who figuratively was endowed with distinctive Gifts to show His Awesomeness and godliness!
    The Messiah therefore was not that anticipated by Jews alone but a savior, Prince and Ruler for all people.
  5. To king Herod on the contrary, the birth of Christ was a political threat!! Yet to Simeon and Prophetess Anna it was transit and passage to salvation of the World. It is significant to mention that Jesus at the age of 12 years was confident in sharing the Gospel.
  6. Christ therefore calls us to Himself through His transformative Power as our Lord and Savior. He is the true Source of eternal Life. As we celebrate His birth this Christmas Season, let us prepare to receive him, share his love with those around us and be faithful witnesses of the Gospel.

Guiding Questions and Prayer Items

      1. Have you experienced the Great Announcement? What has been your response?
      2. Demonstrate, share, proclaim and pray for the love of Christ this Christmas season.

The Homecell and Pastoral ministry Wish you a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!

Revd Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
Priest in Charge: Pastoral Care and Home Cell
Tel. Nos: + 256 772 503180/702 503180
Emails: kasawuli2000@gmail.com/kasawuli2000@yahoo.com

