Text: John 13:1-38
Today is Maundy Thursday. Maundy is an old English word, derived from Latin, which means “command”. In this passage, Jesus washes the feet of His disciples. Ordinarily we would expect the disciples to wash the feet of Jesus, who is God the eternal Son, Creator and Sustainer of all things. Instead, Jesus washes their feet. John begins this passage by saying that Jesus loved His disciples to the end (13:1). The feet washing also symbolizes service to fellow believers (13:15). This, leads to the command that they should love one another, even as He loved them (13:34). Jesus will then go to the cross to pay the penalty for His people’s sin, also because He loves them.
The examples of Christ’s humility are obvious. God becoming man is an extraordinary act of humility. As Paul states it, Jesus laid aside His glory in order to take on human nature (Phil.2:7). Washing another person’s feet, especially in a place where animals move freely in muddy or dusty streets, is not a job for anyone. Yet Jesus, in humility, did it deliberately!
In being arrested, facing an illegal trial, being nailed to a cross, and bearing the sins of His people is humility that is beyond full comprehension.
Considering all that your glorious Saviour has done for you, please stop your continued arrogance, kill your pride, and walk in humility before Him. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the grace needed to do it. It cannot be done by your own strength.
Meditate on verse 34. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, teach me how to have sincere love for You and the people I interact with. Amen.