Text: Revelation 22:1-21
The Lord will repay you according to what you have done. If you have washed your robes, meaning if you have sought purity from the sinful practices you engaged in and you have labored daily to seek God through His Son, Jesus Christ, then you will receive the eternal life as your payment. If you have continued to serve the devil through evil practices, then you will be “rewarded” with eternal hell fire.
So, if You have not yet believed in Jesus, and accepted Him as your personal Saviour and Lord, into His rest (Heb.4.3), do it now and live faithfully thereafter.
You can only strive to remain faithful to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. It is only the blood of Jesus Christ can wash away our sins. Jesus Christ is the Way, the truth and the life; no one can see God unless you pass through Him (Christ) (John 14:6)
And, as a final word on “Work as Worship”: Whatever you do, in your life, in word or deed, do all prayerfully in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father, through Him. (Col. 3.17).
Meditate on verse 12. How are you going to respond to it?
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ that washed away my sins. Amen.