Text: Psalm 104:1-35
When Adam sinned and received the curse from Yahweh, to an extent the land and animals became our enemies (e.g., Gen.3:17; Exod.23:29; Lev.26:19). Inorder for man to do his work, God graciously kept the wild animals away during
the day so that man can labor from morning to evening. Humanity is protected by the light of the sun, and the dangerous animals have the night. God is the One who decreed the curse; yet, it is His grace that controls the curse. God is amerciful loving Father.
During His earthly ministry, Jesus made a spiritual application of this principle.
When Jesus was healing a man born blind (John 9) He said that He and His disciples must do the redemptive work of His Father while it is still day, because the night was coming when work would cease. In other words, there is a limited
time, so work while there is still time. We, too, must work while there is still time. Especially, for the work of the Church. We do not know when we will die or when the end will come; so, let us make disciples now. And in our jobs, we must work while we are still able. The time will come when we will not be able to work. Acknowledge that God is giving you skills, opportunity, and protection.
Ask Him to give you diligence, so that your work will serve as worship.
Meditate on verses 20-23. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Father in heaven, the Lord of heaven and earth, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for the sun whose light chases away wild animals so that Your children can work during the day. Amen.