Text: Exodus 20:1-21
When the people of God were taken out of Egypt, they arrived at Mount Sinai three months later. God showed Israel grace by bringing them out, according to His promise to Abraham, made over five hundred years earlier. He brought
them to the mountain so He could give them His law. Salvation first, then obedience to the law. The Sixth Commandment is, keep holy the Sabbath day.

Work was expected to be done for the first six days of the week. The seventh day was a day of rest and worship. It is a command that is given for the good of humanity, today as it was then.
Today, the Sabbath is moved to the first day of the week, in honor of Christ’s resurrection, and because of the apostles’ example. Many people’s income is hardly enough to support their families. So, they work on Sunday, the Lord’s
Day, because they need the extra money. But Yahweh is the One who provides for us. He commands that we should not work on the first day of the week.

If you honor the Lord’s resurrection on the first day, if you refrain from your normal job, if you rest and worship the Lord, you will find that the Lord will sufficiently provide for the rest of the week. Trust Him and obey His command,
and even refraining from work will itself be a form of worship.

Meditate on verse 16. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me respect Your Day of rest, Sunday, and to always bear true testimony of my neighbors to the glory of Your name. Amen.

