Text: Exodus 5:1-23
Tyrants keep slaves in control by abuses and by beatings. The Egyptians used to supply straw for the Israelites to make bricks. They then changed their minds and forced the Israelites to collect their own straw, yet they were still required to make the same number of bricks. That was abuse of labour. And when the quota was not met, the slaves were beaten. This horrible treatment is how slaves are kept weak and unable to revolt. In our modern age we know this is a great sin, but all over the world this kind of abuse still continues.
Jesus never treats His slaves in that way. (Yes, Christians are slaves, we have been bought [1 Cor.6:20]). So, if you are an employer, or a boss in someone else’s business, always treat your subordinates with kindness and respect.
Treat them the way you would like to be treated. If you are kind, those under you will perform much better. Remember, as Scripture says, “Masters, treat your servants justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven” (Col.4:1,ESV). The way you treat others is how you will be treated by God (Luk.6:38). Treating others well in business, helps turn work into worship.
Meditate on verses 6-7. What are you learning from these verses?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, teach employers to treat well the people that work for them well. Amen.