Text: Genesis 4:1-10
One of the purposes of verse 2 is to show that the cultural mandate, the requirement to work, continues, even though man sinned and was separated from God’s presence. If laboring were ended by sin, that would have been
taught here. We also see in verse 2 that labor included farming and animal husbandry, which is the raising of and having dominion over animals.
As history continued forward, labor was not limited to farming and herding.
Other occupations began – pottery, carpentry, banking, and thousands of other things, which is to be expected. There are some jobs that are sinful, but they are not many. There is also much corruption within many jobs, even within
proper jobs, but that does not mean the particular task is sinful. Jesus was a carpenter. What can you do? God has given you a skill, and you should put it to use for the well being of your community and for the glory of God. Do your
work as worship.
Meditate on verse 2 What is God teaching you in this verse?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for despite the fall of man, You have allowed him to continue exercising the cultural mandate of managing Your resources. Amen.