Text: Genesis 1:26-31
The capstone, the high point of God’s work of creation, is the making of man in the image of the triune God, “…Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” (v.26, ESV). It is a declaration which puts humanity above all other creatures, whether stars or animals or anything. The next thing God mentions about man is that he will rule over the earth, meaning he has authority over, and must take care of the earth. God is the Ruler, Judge, and Caregiver over all
things, and our work of ruling is to be under His supreme dominion.
When Adam sinned, all humanity became sinners by nature, and the image of God was spoiled, but it was neither destroyed nor lost. The mandate to exercise dominion over the earth and to take care of it is still required of us by
God. Jesus Christ, the perfect man, approves of caring for animals (Luk.14:5), approves of paying attention to cultivation (Mark4:3-9), and demonstrates dominion over creation (Luk.8:24), thus serving and worshipping His Father.
Those who are united to Christ are called to exercise dominion over the earth.
Though we cannot stop a storm, we can plant flowers, put garbage in bins (not litter), take proper care of our animals (Prov.12:10), etc. Our obedience, in all these things, is “work as worship”. God is redeeming us through Christ who
on a day like this one, Christ said; “…It is finished…” (John 19:30, ESV), as He defeated the devil on the cross. In Christ we can have a redeeming effect on all of creation.
Meditate on verse 26. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for creating me in Your own image and giving me the authority to rule over Your creation. My Lord, Jesus Christ, thank You for defeating the devil on the cross. Amen.