Text: Amos 4:1-13
The “cows of Bashan” (ESV), were wealthy women of Israel (v.1). They selfishly encouraged the husbands to oppress the poor in order to maintain their lavish lifestyles. Sarcastically, Amos calls people to continue sinning in Bethel and Gilgal (v.4) as they worshiped Idols and not God there. At Bethel, God had renewed His covenant to Abraham with Jacob (Gen. 28:10-22). At the time of Amos, Bethel was the focal religious centre for Northern Kingdom (Israel).

God had warned His people through famine, drought, blight plagues, locusts and war, but they still never took Him seriously (vv.6-13). Now that Israelites could not get the message or warning from God; they were going to face Him in judgement (v.12). The Israelites were going to face the one they had ignored or rejected.
You know the areas you have continued to sin in despite God’s warnings. One day, you will meet God face to face and you will account for the many times you have ignored His warnings. It is not far; each day that passes brings you closer.

The only escape you have is to accept His Son, Jesus Christ, so that the Holy
Spirit will enable you to humble yourself before God!
Meditate on verse 12. How are you going to respond to it?
Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, help me prepare to see You when You come to establish Your Kingdom on earth. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

