Text: Joel 2:1-32
Joel continues to describe the devastating effect of locusts’ invasion as he
blows the trumpet. The trumpet which was mainly a ram’s horn, in Hebrew
called shophar, was used in signaling danger or gathering people for special occasions (Num. 10:10; Exod.19:13, 16, 19). For example, blowing the trumpet in order to gather people to come to the tabernacle (Num. 10:3-4), or signaling to the tribes to begin matching (10:5).

Now the difference between blowing the trumpet for gathering at the
tabernacle, and blowing one to start matching is not exactly known; but the
Jewish tradition has it that the one to gather at the tabernacle was a long
steady blast, while for one to begin matching was a succession of three shorter notes. So, Joel was calling people to repent and they had to clean their clothing (v.13) as a sign of deep remorse, not an outward display of repentance (1 Sam. 16:7; Mat.23:1-36).

Time came when Joel transited from prophesying God’s judgement to
prophesying about God’s out pouring of forgiveness and the attached blessings (v.18). This would happen if people would abandon their sins. With the forgiveness of the people’s sins, Prophet Joel prophesies the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon all people (v.28). In the past God’s Holy Spirit seemed to be available to kings, prophets and judges. This prophesy was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:16-21). The Lord is calling us to genuine repentance so that He alone may stop the calamities that are being visited upon us. Let us all come to God through Jesus Christ His Son.

Meditate on verse 32. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, let Jesus Christ be my Saviour and Lord
and make me the person He wants me to be. Amen.

