Text: Jeremiah 39:1-18
After the fall of Jerusalem, Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, carried away everyone except some of the poor people who owned nothing (v.10). This was Babylonian policy concerning the conquered communities, they would carry away the rich and important people and leave behind very poor people in charge. This would make these poor remnants feel grateful to the invaders, making them loyal and too weak to cause an uprising or mutiny. Zedekiah is handed the truth of Jeremiah’s prophecy in a hard way; his sons are killed, and he himself is made blind (vv. 6-7). Ebed-Melech who risked his life and interrupted the king to save Jeremiah is rewarded (vv.15-18). Stand firm in the Lord, defend and proclaim His Word, the Lord alone will defend you!

Meditate on verses 17-18. What is God teaching you in these verses? How are you going to respond to them?
My heavenly Father, forgive me for fearing my enemies. Thank You for
assuring me of victory. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

