Text: 1 Chronicles 26:1-32.

The next important work to be assigned by David is that of gatekeeper. A gatekeeper may not have been a popular job. David refers to the humble condition of the job in Ps.84:10. But a gatekeeper was extremely important.
Because the Temple was a holy place, a place set aside by God for a special purpose, it needed to be guarded from abuse, theft, etc. Look back at 1
Chron.9:26-27. At night the Temple was locked by the gatekeepers, and in the morning they opened the Temple again. In Gen.3:24 a cherubim guarded the entrance of the garden when Adam and Eve were expelled.

In Christ’s Church, there are guardians for God’s Temple, which is those who belong to Christ. The guardians are the officers, the elders who shepherd the people, feeding them the Word and protecting them against false doctrine and sin. Of course, Jesus is the great Guardian of our souls, but He does His work through His ordained ministers, our elders. Let us show them great honour (Heb.13:17).

Meditate on verse 15. By placing Obed-edom on the south, he was highly
honoured, why? How are you God’s gate to His people?
My heavenly Father, it is a privilege to serve You. Help me serve You diligently. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

