Text: 1 Chronicles 10:1-14
Israel fought a battle against the Philistines, the enemy won, Israel was routed, and King Saul and his three sons were killed – by Yahweh! (v.14). Because the King abandoned Yahweh, Yahweh turned His hand against the nation. This is the principle of “Federal Headship”, where one man represents all those who belong to him. When Adam (humanity’s federal head) sinned, we all became sinners and were defeated.
But God is merciful and gracious, as well as just. He gave us another Federal Head to act as our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a perfect life, was crucified, and was raised for His people. Jesus represented all His people and His accomplishment become ours. You and I will never be perfect in this life, but we need not fear God’s just wrath. Jesus already paid that penalty and we are safe, we belong to Christ, and we will be with Him forever. Let us now live lives of grateful obedience.
Meditate on verse 14. What is God teaching you in this verse?
My heavenly Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, help me seek to Your guidance always. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.