Text: 1 Kings 9:1-28
This chapter records God making a second appearance to King Solomon (3:5).
When Solomon dedicated the completed temple (Chapter 8) , he asked God to forgive and to bless the nation. Now in this second dream, Yahweh promises to do just that. But Yahweh also states clearly that if Solomon and Israel do not walk according to God’s law, then God will curse them. God graciously gives all things to His people. But if they do not live like they belong to God, then He will destroy them.
As we continue reading this Book, we will see that King Solomon will fail in serving Yahweh, and God’s curses will fall on the nation. God has established that there will be a king over His people; but we see again that all kings will fail. The only option is for God Himself to serve as King. God the eternal Son, Jesus Christ, will enter our existence, live a perfect human life, pay our sin penalty, and rise to life. Jesus now reigns as our perfect King. We have perfect protection from everything that tries to destroy us. Even God’s wrath will no longer touch us. We are safe! Thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Meditate on verses 4-5. How are you going to apply them to your life?
Our Father in heaven, help us to accept the prompting of Your Spirit to help us serve You diligently as we apply Your Word in our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we have prayed. Amen.