Text: Psalm 148:1-14
In Romans 8:19-23 we are told that the Creation is eagerly looking for redemption, groaning in pain as it waits. But that does not mean it cannot give praise and glory to God, for the whole of everything God made has within it a fundamental ability to praise Him. Despite the curse of sin, the Creation we experience can still reflect the glory of the eternal that made all things out of nothing. If Creation can glorify God even under the weight and curse of sin, just imagine how glorious it will be when we all, together with creation, enjoy the complete redemption of our bodies when Jesus returns!! His decree to redeem and bring all things to Himself will never pass away. Praise the Lord!
Meditate on verse 13. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Our Lord God of blessings, I praise You and glorify Your name, for You alone should be exalted. Your glory is above the earth and heaven. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.