Text: Psalm 138:1-8
God is high and exalted, far above any so called “gods”. By knowing the one true God, He gives you confidence to shout to the nations that He alone is King! You may be seen by others as no one of significance, but our King loves to hear the so called lowly, and lift us up to be His perfect proclaimers. Our God is glorious, but that does not stop Him from reaching down to us and speaking to His humble children. He comes to the humble souls of those who have come to know that they need a Saviour.
If you have been brought to a place that you know you have no spiritual resources of your own, then praise your King! For in showing you how much you need Him, He delights in raising you up through His own power.
You are His precious project, so He will not abandon the Kingdom work that He will do through you!
Meditate on verse 4. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Faithful and ever loving Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank You in Your infinite wisdom; and You are able to teach all people about Your infinite resources in glory; I pray that You raise leaders that truly acknowledge You as Lord and Saviour so that they, with us, may never depart from Your Word and should live, in humility and praise in glorification of Your Holy Name. Amen.