The tithe was an offering in the Old testament of one’s agricultural income to the Lord as an expression of thanks and dedication (Leviticus 27:30-34). It is holy and set apart as belonging to God. A tithe is a trust that establishes a relationship between the giver and God. It shows that we are good managers or stewards not owners. For those who wanted to redeem or give what they missed an extra fifth would be added and always given in form of money. That means 10% in produce and 12% in cash.
There was also a tithe established for the Levites in return for their service in the temple (Numbers 18:12, 2 Chronicles 31:4-5) because the Lord was their portion. The Levites where also supposed to present a tithe out of what is given by the people to the Lord (Num. 18:26).
Deuteronomy 14 also reminds us that tithe was taken every three years to support orphans, widows and the poor.
There is also a time of harvest when first fruits are brought to the house of the Lord as Nehemiah commanded in Nehemiah10:35-37. At the time of re-building the wall most of the people had forgotten the tradition of giving hence they needed to be reminded.
Giving tithe is a command from the Lord so that we may learn to fear Him (Deuteronomy 14:22-29). The tithe is God’s regular possession.
We are stealing if we withhold the tithe (Malachi 3:8-11).
Tithing is an act responding to the object of our worship out of love, reverence, and faith. It reveals the condition of an individual heart. For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be (Matthew 6:21).
The writer of Proverbs 3:9-10 reminds us to honour the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of your crops, then your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will brim over with new wine.
Jesus’ teaching on giving goes beyond tithing to whole hearted giving and believing God for provision. His teaching about the widow in Mark 12:41-44 reflects a widow who gives out of her poverty. There is a challenge of giving tithe when the economy seems tough or any
sort of family crises. In that situation you remember that God is aware and He still provides and cares for you so giving is still an issue of the heart acknowledging that God is walking with you. Tithing is more appreciated when the condition of our heart is in line with God’s will for example the pride of the Pharisee (Luke 18:9-14, 11:42, Matthew
23:23). Lets us continue to honour God with all that we are and what we have for we are not just seeking temporary blessings here but a greater reward after this life. May God bless you.
The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye