Praise the Lord Saints’! The previous Sunday ASCK celebrated St. Peters day and we blessed to have Rt. Rev. Joel Obetia who preached to the three [3] congregations on the topic; The Cost of Discipleship drawing biblical references from Daniel 4:16-28 and Luke 14:25-33. His sermon majorly focused on Men since the Church was celebrating St. Peters day. Kampala Diocese was blessed to enroll 71 Men into Fathers Union in the 11:30am service. Bishop Obetia mentioned the five types of men that are in our society and in Church today;

    1. The Natural Men: These are the type of men with no spiritual interests at all. Their hearts are hostile and are violently opposed to the gospel.
    2. The Cultural Men: [Causal Men]. These have one foot in church and the other in the world. They come to church occasionally specially to connect with people and make deals. This type attends Church on Easter and Christmas or on functions since going to church regularly isn’t part of them.
    3. The Hurting Men: These are men going through a cute crisis in their lives. They face the world with fortitude yet are grieved on the inside. They are dealing with various grief[s]; financial, relational, health and physiological. Grieve for loss of a dear one [wife or child], are addicted to sex, pornography, substance use e.g drugs, tablets, cocaine and marijuana. They have an I don’t care attitude yet are going through a difficult situation.
    4. The Bible believing Men: These are interested in spiritual things. They want to be disciples; they desire to learn and study God’s word though they are struggling.
    5. The Servant men: These are the servant leaders who help others and reach out to one another. They want to grow, are ready to learn, teach, mentor and walk with other men and also are actively engaged in ministry.

On Commemorating St. Peter Day; He described Apostle Peter as any other man who struggled, rushed and made many mistakes but was chosen by Jesus Christ to be a fisher of men, [Matthew 16:13-19, Acts 2: 36-41]. To redeem mankind, God did not send things or principles for He sent His own son Jesus Christ [1Peter3:18]. He further informed the parishioners that Christianity is not about heart modification but about heart transformation. Only a relationship with Jesus Christ is helpful to you as a man. Therefore, he urged the men to do the following;

  1. Like Enoch and Moses, who had faith, Godliness and Soft, men should be priests in homes.
  2. Men should love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her Men should also protect their wives and children as well as keeping your marriage vows.
  3. Pay attention to your children for they are a reward and gift from God. Let them mainly focus on Jesus Christ as their elder brother.
  4. Pay attention to your health and for your wives. Visit a health centre/ hospital and review your health regularly and desist from being too busy. Check on your blood pressure, diabetes, prostate, eyes, teeth among others and as well be mindful of your family planning practices.

Guidelines and Questions

  1. Share a testimony of a father or men who have discipled or inspired you!
  2. Under the [men] personality what kind of person do you identify with and what is practically required of you as a believer?
  3. Prayerfully surrender the Challenges fathers / Men and young men/ boys are facing today in your Family, Church, Community and Nation.

Rev. Patrick Kamara
Priest in Charge: Home Cell and Pastoral Care
0772482433/0754 482433 /0753922448

