Text: Mark 9: 1-50
In this passage, Jesus indicates that the life of discipleship looks forward to sharing in the glory of the Kingdom of God. While on the mountain top, the three disciples were able to witness the radiance of the glory (vv.3-7). However, upon descent from the mount of Transfiguration, the disciples failed to heal a boy possessed by an impure spirit that might have led to a dispute over what
must be done to have an effective exorcism (vv. 17-20).

What we see in this passage is two-fold. First, “repetition “can become an
impediment to faith. Earlier in Mark Jesus sent out the disciples two by two
with the authority to drive out demons (3:15; 6:7). Even though they had initial
success (6: 13-14), they were not able to cast the demon out of this boy. The
disciples therefore, had to learn that for one to be effective in God’s Kingdom
one must rely on Jesus for one’s success. It is through the power of Christ that
believers are enabled to do greater works than Jesus did (John 14: 12-14).
Secondly, failure can destroy our faith. Look at the disciples’ question in v. 28.

Do you see how Satan can make us feel like ‘we’ have in some way personally
failed to serve our God? Amidst perceived defeat ‘the father of lies’ (John 8:44)
can tell us that ‘ineffective service’ is proof that we are worthless before God.
Flooded with negative feelings of depression, pain, stress, anger, grief and frustration can be a difficult moment to have faith even as small as a mustard seed. When we are confronted with such moments let us not forget that Christ’s love is not contingent on our holiness.
Meditate on verses 8 and 29. How do they apply to you?
My heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, strengthen and enable me
to fast and pray regularly. Amen.

