As we study this chapter, we encounter several miracles Jesus performed as He ministered in various places around Capernaum. We see Him casting out demons, healing a dreadful disease, and raising a young girl from the dead. In all these miracles, Mark reminds us that we must realise we need Jesus. We must see ourselves as unworthy and undone before Him. Each miracle recorded in this passage paints a beautiful picture of the transformation that takes place in the life of the one who trusts Jesus Christ. Various lessons about faith in Jesus can be learnt: Faith in Jesus is humble (5:22): Jairus was a very important man in the Synagogue; Faith in Jesus comes from a great need (vv. 23, 25-26); Faith in
Jesus is stronger than fear (vv. 35, 36); Faith in Jesus means that we believe what He says in His word (v. 36); Faith in Jesus will never disappoint you (v.42).
Meditate on verses 34 and 36. How can you apply these verses to your life?
My heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I put my faith in You. Heal
me. Amen.