Daniel 1:4 defines the qualities of the young men that the king wanted to have.
They were youth without blemish, good in appearance, skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding and learning. They were to be given
good food for three years before being presented to the king.
Daniel understood that true knowledge does not arise from good food but from
God. In Daniel 1:8, Daniel resolved not to defile himself because he feared God.
It is very clear that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Their reward is mentioned in verse 17, God gave them learning and skill in all literature, wisdom
and understanding in all visions and dreams.
God chose Daniel so that His name can be preserved among His people.
Daniel prevailed in a foreign land from age 14 to 90 years. He was a witness and servant of God. For one to have knowledge from God, he or she must choose to be unique and do the un usual as long as he or she is doing the will of God.
Daniel focused more on what God can achieve for them as a nation and not the
pleasures of Babylon.
This is the same mind that Moses had when he left the palace in Egypt to go and
suffer with his fellow Israelites. Moses had his people at heart and sought wisdom to deliver them (Hebrews 11:25ff).
Much of our public life today is being conducted without reference to God.
Worldly values coupled with the religion of secular humanism is dictating where we should go. Young men and women have chosen to enjoy a full table of
pleasure wanting to look like other yet without God. This has denied us true
knowledge which builds us to full capacity. We have many people with knowledge but without clear reason.
Paul in Romans 12:1-2 states that, we have conformed to the patterns of the
world. Daniel chose not to succumb to the dubious ways of the rulers of the time because he knew his identity; he feared God and was certain of his destination.
In Christ our knowledge is replenished, revived and directed. It is very important to understand that our master determines our choices and destiny.
Daniel chose to serve God and He gave him knowledge which helped him to prevail through the interpretation of dreams. In Daniel 2:46-49, the king confessed that Daniel’s God was a revealer of mysteries. May God help us all to preserve his name wherever we are and not to be overtaken by the storms and pleasures of life. God is the only source of true knowledge that can help us to prevail over the secularism that is eating up our society today. You can choose to be the Daniel of this generation. Be blessed.
The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye