Text: Psalm 99:1-9
We must praise the Lord because of His holiness (vv.3, 5, 9). In this Psalm three
things are mentioned about God’s holiness; God is above all things, He is set
apart and separated from His creatures for He is the Creator and He judges all
things (vv.1-3). Also the holiness of God means He is righteous and just (vv.
4-5). This means that God hates evil and cannot associate with it, His justice
is fair and therefore there is need to exalt our God and our Redeemer (v.5).
Thirdly the holiness of God means that God is supremely good (vv.6-9) for “…
they called upon the LORD, and He answered them” (v.6, NKJV). (Exod: 32: 7-14, 30-34 Num. 14:11-25, 1Sam. 7:3-9; 8:4-9) call upon the name of the Lord, He will answer your prayers!
Meditate on verse 9. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I yearn to exalt You and worship You. Amen.

