Text: Psalm 96: 1-13
This Psalm was sung during the moving of the Ark. It further looks into the coming of Christ’s kingdom. The Psalm celebrates the glory and accessibility of Christ’s Kingdom by the Gentiles. God’s “…wonders among all peoples” (v.3, NKJV) is the salvation work through Jesus Christ. To praise God genuinely, your testimony to others of what God has done through Christ is important.
You must proclaim that good news (v.2). The rule or kingdom of Jesus Christ, is not yet here but is coming soon (v. 13) on His second coming. Are you ready to receive Him? You will be ready only in Christ.
Meditate on verses 8-9. How are you going to apply them to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pledge to worship and honour You. Amen.