Wednesday, 9th January 2019.

God goes ahead of His people to fight for them.

Text. Deuteronomy 9:1-29

As Moses writes Deuteronomy, the people will soon be entering the Promised Land. They are aware that the inhabitants of that land and their cities are powerful. In the passage we read Moses emphasising that Yahweh will go into the land ahead of His people for the purpose of fighting for them (vv.1-3). They belong to Yahweh and nothing can destroy them if God is for them. The battle of Jericho will prove that (Jos.6).

There is so much in this world that can destroy us – skillful prophets of false religion, giants of worldly pleasure, and difficulties of many kinds that can pull us away from God – IF we were fighting with our own strength. But the Lord Jesus Christ has already faced all the enemies, including Satan himself, and Jesus has crushed them all. His victory is given to us, and we cannot be lost. We will enter eternal life with God. In this life we fight, but we know that we are already victorious in Christ. Now live like it !

Meditate on verse 3. What encouragement do you get from this verse?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, lead me as a consuming fire and defeat my enemies. Amen

