Text: Luke: 18:1-43.
The widow persisted in asking the judge for justice, and her patience paid off, she got her justice (verse 5). Do not tire of asking God for your needs.

This is not because God is a bad judge but it shows your seriousness and trust in Him. Only God can give you your hearts desire, but at His own timing. God calls you to ask Him all the time. Some requests may delay as God prepares you by teaching you patience, some may never happen the way you want them as the Lord does not think it appropriate for you, but still never give up. God desires your constant fellowship with Him. Always ask through Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord (John14:13; 16:14).

Meditate on verse 4-5. How are you going to apply them to your life?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, forgive me for my poor prayer lifestyle. Help me to be in Your presence always. Amen.

