Welcome to this wonderful Sunday. The Lord has willed that we assemble, hear and receive His holy word, give Him His due praise and bring before him the needs of the world and seek his grace.
We particularly welcome and receive the ministry of the Lord’s servant Mrs. Grace Kalambo Masalakulangwa from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
The Triune God has gifted and equipped the Church for service. Service in the Church’s expansion and in its internal servicing of the saints. You are called into relationship with Christ, and to fellowship of the saints and for the works of service.
This week’s conference Theme-Adorned and equipped for service is a reminder that our lives are like living parables, shouting the mystery of godliness and you are encouraged to serve. In Christ our lives are made beautiful-fitted with noble stature and clothed with Christian grace enabling them to attract others to Christian way of life.
People are drawn to God not bold arguments or reasoning but by passionate godliness. Passionate about doing the right things since our lives tell a story.
May Lord meet you in the power of the Holy and in His word; may He adorn you with every good gift and usher you into ministry for His name and glory.Amen.
Rev. Canon Geoffrey Byarugaba