God’ Brethren! Last Sunday we were blessed to have Mrs. Beatrice Langariti preach on the Topic:”Nurturing Spiritual Gifts in the Family” and drawing Biblical references from 1Corinth 12:7- 11 & Luke 11:5-13. The Sermon entirely focused on discovering our spiritual gifts and how to use them to glorify God. The Preacher pointed out that there are many Christians who don’t know their spiritual gifts regardless of being Christians for many years. They’re also those who know their spiritual gifts but are not operating in them. The Preacher further highlighted that:
• 29% of the Adult Christians have never heard about spiritual gifts yet 69% have heard though not realized them;
• A spiritual gift is a special attribute given by the Holy Spirit to every member of the body of Christ according to God’s Grace;
• A Family Altar is a good platform for God to reveal our spiritual gifts and have them nurtured (Gen 12:7) though many families today face a threat of being busy and don’t have opportunity to utilize them!
• There are two kinds of Christians namely; a ‘Parasitic Christian’ who aims at consuming all the time, criticizing others, draining others as well as not bearing spiritual fruit. A second category is that of a ‘’Symbiotic Christian’ who is a good steward, faithful and understands His/ Her spiritual gifts; and subsequently utilizing them to glorify God.
For individual’ reflections, the Preacher posed, and thereafter asked the Congregations the following Questions: ‘What are you doing to Nurture your family spirituality? Do you have a family Altar?
How often do you meet? Is each Family Member Serving from their spiritual gifting? How would you describe the state of your family Altar! Is it Alive, Vibrant or Dying out?’
Concerning the different Gifts God has endowed each of us, the Preacher addressed the following:
• That every Christian ought to be responsible and discover his/her spiritual gifts and use it to glorify God;
• The Importance of the spiritual gifts is for service and the fruit of the spirit is what we become [character].Talents are given to both the believers and Non-believers but Spiritual gifts are limited to only believers;
• She testified that she had to sacrifice (10years) off for formal duty at home to nurture her six children in knowing and discovering their spiritual gifts;
• She practically demonstrated by unwrapping a gift, portraying that God reveals these gifts to us through his Word and People. Therefore we need to know that our mandate as Christians is through having the zeal to persevere / persist and eventually discovering what gifts they’re God has given us.
Guiding Questions & Prayer Items
1) As a Cell member, have you discovered your spiritual gift? Share your testimony of how you been using it?
2) Study & Share these scriptures 1Corinthians 12:28, Romans 12:3-8 & Ephesians 4:7-13
3) Prayerfully reflect on Acts 2:38-40 and allow the Holy Spirit to empower you in knowing your Spiritual gifts and being able to use them for your family, Church and Nation in glorifying God.
Revd. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180