Shalom Brethren! The previous Sunday in line with the February theme; “I will build my Church”, we shared on a topic: “The Calling and Mission of the Church” [2 Timothy 4:1-8 & Matthew 28:16- 20]. The Great Commission signifies that Church isn’t supposed to live randomly, there ought to be a purporse for its existence. As ASCK congregation, are we growing in fellowship with our Lord and Saviour? As a Cell or fellowship are you growing as a result of sharing the Gospel and discipleship?

Three primary reasons for our existence as Church:
1] To worship God. To worship is to recognise the place of God in our lives. The disciples recognised that the risen Christ was indeed the son of God and they worshiped Him. As Christians we are called to worship Jesus Christ, a call to know that He is risen, He reigns forever, He is above us, He is our Creator and when we recognize Him we don’t remain the same for He is worthy of all worship. We should desist from doubting and know that all authority has be given to Jesus Christ [Philippians 2: 5-11]. He is the only one that we must obey and in Him we can’t fear the devil, witchcraft or anything else because all authority belong to Christ whom we must we worship.
2] To make disciples of all Nations. Our call as believers is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means to be a student of Jesus Christ therefore we should learn from Him. The word Disciple comes from discipline in other words there’s need for consistent discipline in training and being intentional to do things with a purpose. For example, having consistent discipline for your daily devotion. A call to discipleship means a call first to be disciples and then we make others disciples. [2 Timothy 2:1-2]. Note: Jesus Christ is not calling us to add to numbers but He is specific and desires us to make disciples. Discipleship means for one to have both knowledge and experience. Discipleship also means to consistently follow Christ, to put in effort, to be tamed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Baptism in this case refers to identifying yourself with the community of believers and not to be ashamed of the gospel. Thus the reason for baptism is to make disciples, to instruct, teach, train and nurture the individual until he/she comes to personal confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Disciples are made, they are not born; for it takes effort and intention for us to make disciples. Parents, are you intentional about your child’s school, bible study, praying and growing in faith?
3] The Church’s mission is to Go to the world. Declaring the Gospel is the Church’s primary ministry towards the world. The word World means those opposed to Jesus Christ in other words those that haven’t acknowledged Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. To go means to be intentional to reach out to others. We should desist from being in our comfort zoneps but rather to live in obedience to the call.

Note: Ever since Jesus Christ said Go, He has never said come back; therefore, WE MUST GO and establish trust relationships, start conversations and have initiatives [creativity] of sharing the gospel [1Cor. 9:19-23]. God has placed you in a certain business, school, be it work, family, environment for a reason and that is to know Him and make Him known. Always know that you are on assignment.
God doesn’t desire any one to perish but everyone to come to repentance and to faithfully walk with Him [2Peter 3:9]. In obeying this call, bear in mind that God’s presence is assured no matter the kind of circumstances you are going through.

Guidelines and Questions
1) Briefly share lessons from Biblical personalities that purposed to disciple others and those they discipled?
2) Share your experience in regard to obedience to this Call and Mission? and What is [or has been] your challenge[s]/excuse in obedience to this call?
3) Prayerfully purpose to live in obedience to the call and mission of the Church.

Compiled by Eriya Mutabazi Atukunzire

