Text: Proverbs 16:1-33
It is always a good thing to ask for God’s blessing on the work you do, and at the end of the day, and to thank Him for the opportunity you were given to serve Him. But verse 3 is encouraging us to go to the Lord before the work begins and ask His blessings of grace. This applies especially to a life lived righteously in His presence, but it is certainly appropriate to apply it to our daily tasks and our labors at our jobs.

One great example of this is when the Lord Jesus prayed all night before He selected the twelve apostles (Luk.6:12-13). If God the eternal Son lived this way, so should we. It is very easy to go about our jobs or other tasks and not ask God for His blessing of grace. Even pastors can forget to pray before they begin preparing for sermons or studies (I’ve done it!). That is because our tasks are habits. Good habits are good to have, but it is our nature to forget God. So, I printed a card and put it on my desk reminding me to pray, because I want to pray. If reminders are what you need to pray, then do it. God is pleased when we seek His grace. He is worthy of trust, and we all want our work to be worshipful – right?

Meditate on verse 3. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I commit every work I do to You, bless it to the glory of Your name! Amen.

