Text: Nehemiah 11:1-36
The city of Jerusalem was Israel’s capital city. It was also the centre of national worship. But it was sparsely populated. So, a plan is made to repopulate the city. One out of every ten persons/families was chosen, by lot, to reside in Jerusalem. Those who were willing to stay in Jerusalem were blessed, appreciated, by their fellow Israelites.

But what does this have to do with God’s work of redemption? Actually, this
chapter is part of the larger story of God re-building His Kingdom. As that work continues today, by the continuing work of Christ and the Holy Spirit, we see it differently. There is no physical place into which people are brought. But each day the Lord is adding His chosen ones (Act.2:47) to His eternal city (Rev.21:2).

This story in the book of Nehemiah is our story.
Meditate on verse 1. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for bringing me in
Your Kingdom through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Amen.

