Text: Zephaniah 2:1-15
Much as there was serious warning of impending judgment; the people had time and choice to either return to God and avert the destruction or become stubborn and be punished by God (vv.1-3). Zephaniah pronounces judgement on the four cities and the cause was mainly Idolatry and constantly harassing Israel (v.4). The Moabites and Ammonites on the Eastern side of Judah had regular attacks on Judah on top of worshipping gods; Chemosh and Molech (1 Kings 11:7). God was going to judge them for these evil acts (v.8), including taunting His children.

Today God is calling you through His Word, the Bible, to repent and come
to Him through His Son Jesus Christ, we receive Christ through faith only, as
simple as that.

Meditate on verse 3. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that my family members will humble themselves and seek Your forgiveness. Amen.

