Text: Matthew 5:33-48.
“But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” verse 44. (ESV). As you serve God, you must speak well of your enemies and pray for them. This is a great challenge for many. To give food and water and pray well for one persecuting you is not easy; however, it is a cost you must bear as you faithfully serve the Lord.
Pray for that family that hates you and your children and look for an opportunity to serve them, not to revenge. This is a cost, it does not come naturally!

Reflect on verse 44, as a member of a particular family, or the whole family do you have an enemy who hates you on the account of serving Jesus Christ? How have you been treating him/her. What is the verse teaching you and how are you going to apply it to your life and family?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, give me the grace to love my enemies. I pray that I will not be the cause of enmity because of my selfish interests. Forgive me where I have been the cause. Amen.

