Text: Ezra 10:1-44
People from all over Judah are summoned to assemble in Jerusalem. Those who do not attend are to have all their property taken, and are further threatened with excommunication (v.8). Why such a harsh stance? The reason is that the integrity of the nation was at stake. If the people did not maintain purity, according to the Scripture, then they might find themselves, as a nation, destroyed by God again, and the individuals involved might find themselves condemned by sin. But the people responded well. They agreed to have elders examine each case.

The matter of sin (breaking God’s laws) in the Church must not be treated lightly.
Whenever a sin has been discovered, it has to be addressed. If sin is allowed
to continue, it will encourage others to do the same. Apostle Paul said that
sin can be like leaven/yeast, which spreads through the entire loaf (1 Cor.5:6).
Jesus told His disciple to go to the sinning brother and try to bring them to
repentance, to turn away from sin and back to God (Mat.18:15). For the sake of the person sinning, for the sake of the congregation, and for the glory of Christ, sin must be stopped. If you are continuing in sin, please stop, and turn back to God. It might be difficult, but He will give you the grace to do it.
If you see someone sinning, speak to him and try to bring him back to Christ.

Meditate on verse 1. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I repent of all evil on behalf of
my family. Forgive and cleanse us. Amen.

