Text: Matthew 9:1-38
In this chapter we see the power and empathy of Jesus Christ in healing to: (1).
The physically unwell like the paralytic (vv. 2-8) and; (2). The souls of people by forgiving their sins (v.2).
For Jesus to say that the harvest is “plentiful”, he was emphasizing the proclamation of the gospel. The laborers are not angels but His disciples, me and you! Note that prayer is key; you cannot be on the harvest field unless the Lord has called you. If, indeed, you are called, this is the harvest time.

Meditate on verse 38. What is God teaching you in this verse? How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray earnestly to You, the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers, including me, into Your harvest field. Amen.

