Text: Luke 15: 11-32
In the earlier parable, we saw sheep and coin which could not retrace their steps once lost, but in this case we see the lost son coming back home to a waiting father (v.18). Jesus Christ is always waiting for the repentance of a lost sinner!
The attitude, resentment and unforgiving nature of the older son caused him to turn away from his father’s love (v.28), even after his father had assured him that property sharing had not changed (v.31). Jesus Christ compared the older son’s attitude to that of the Pharisees’ who were angry and resentful that sinners were eating and fellowshipping with Him. They too were claiming that they had great love for the Lord. Do not let self-righteousness stand in your way to rejoice of what the Lord is doing in the hearts of sinners. Be filled with love of the Lord and receive those who are repenting in the name of Jesus Christ.

Meditate on verse 21. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Father in the name of Jesus Christ, forgive me, I have sinned against You in many ways I repent. Amen.

