Text: Ezra 8:1-36
In the first part of this chapter there is a long list of those who will be travelling with Ezra to Jerusalem. Then we read of a special call to fasting and prayer, vv.21-23. Why? Ezra was concerned about the safety of their journey. Apparently the king offered to send soldiers for protection, but Ezra said no, because he was trusting God for protection (v.22). Afterward, Ezra probably thought he should have accepted, but he cannot go back on his decision, because it will appear that he is really not sure if God will protect them.

It would not have been wrong for Ezra to receive protection from the
government. All governments are God’s servants for good and for justice
(Rom.13:4) for all the citizens. Christians are citizens of earthly kingdoms, as well as of Christ’s Kingdom. As was said in the meditation for Ezra chapter 6, the government is not the source of financial support for the Church. But the Church are citizens, who pay taxes, etc., and should expect government’s care.

Jesus Christ is Lord over all lords. If He chooses to use the government for the well-being of His people, then receive it with thanksgiving (Act.22:25).
Meditate on verse 21. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, give me the ability to fast and pray as I
seek Your protection and guidance. Amen.

