Text: Habakkuk 3:1-9

God answered all the questions that Habakkuk raised, and the prophet praised God for that (v.1ff). Let us trust God for He is in control of every situation. He will vindicate us. We only need to be patient as we wait on Him to act (v.16). As part of God’s punishment to Judah, crops will fail and animals die (vv.17-19). Habakkuk still maintains his loyalty to God. His faith in God who gives strength and is in control of the situation had subdued the feelings of despair.

We humans are limited, we are unable to see all that God is doing, neither can we look into future and comprehend what God will do, so the righteous may suffer while the evil doers seem to prosper, but in the long run the evil doers do not prosper, and never admire them. Put your trust and have hope in the unlimited powers of God. Trust God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Meditate on verses 17-19. How are you going to apply them to your life?

My heavenly Father, I choose to trust in You even when crops fail and my finances are low. I chose to rejoice in You all my life. Amen.

