18 March 2018 – 3pm Service | Theme: Contagious Christianity | Preacher: Rev. Raymond

Notes by Bridgette

– Micah 6:8_the 3 are wholistic and not to be lived out one by one.

– We cannot be contagious Christians if we are not consistent.
– Consistency seems easy in the church because the expectations are clear, but in life on the outside, it takes alot to decipher wrong from right.

– Contagious Christians reduce their talk and clear their walk.

Francis of Asisi quote, Preach the gospel, and if you must, use words.

– The challenge with being contagious is that it requires learning how to reconcile everyday life with and to the 1 consistent Christian life.

– To be contagious is to have a Jesus-impact. – Rev. Gideon.

