Praise the Lord Brethren! The November Theme focuses on Media’s influence on the Family. Last Sunday, Mr. Collins Babirukamu preached on the topic: Satan’s deception in Entertainment- drawing Biblical references from Titus 3:1-11 and Matthew 16:5-12 concurrently. He basically laid a foundation on this theme. He defined Media as a means of mass communication that influences widely while Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience or gives pleasure. He highlighted some of the channels and means of communication that we use today; like TV, Radios, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet as well as Social Media such as face book, watsup, twitter, you tube among others.

Reflecting on Part (a) of John 10:10 the Preacher related an ‘enemy-’ to a thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Simultaneously, he also noted that Matthew 16:11 points out that Pharisees stood out like yeast used to confuse the public! Collins observed that not everything we watch and listen to is harmless; however, we ought to discern and sieve the content we consume as Christians. Three major Objectives of the Enemy and his deceit were highlighted as; (1) Trying to influence what we see, and manipulate what we hear; (2) Wanting to replace the knowledge of the Word of God and provide an alternative truth; & (3) Wants to destroy the original intent of man’s destiny/purpose or plan.

The Preacher clearly pointed out some of the manifestations and signs that the ‘yeast of the enemy’ has brought forth using Media to influence family for example- Children are hooked on watching bad cartoons that sow bad elements like homosexuality, violence, bitterness, rebellion among others. For the Youth they are engulfed in an identity crisis [Psalm 15:2]. These days the wives (mothers) are being taken up by the Soap Operas and Movies that take most of their time and their ability to concentrate hence marriage conflicts instead of resolving and fostering good parenting. On the other hand, Men (Fathers) are fanatical followers of football and obsessed with pornography! The Preacher also noted that some Pastors today have ceased being shepherds and have resorted to a form of celebrity lifestyles! All in all, the Family has been invaded by the promoting secularism due to the Western influence like today some families celebrate hallo wind, carnivals and yet this results into death and fear among people. On the other hand, majority of these immoral dancing & dressing styles our children copy have been brought by the western world through negative global media influence!
Part (b) of John 10:10, Collin clearly pointed out that Christ came that we may have life Abundantly. Hope therefore is not lost even when the ‘negative influence of the Media is high today! Collins underscored the following solutions:
The Church should provide the right content and strategically put up a Church TV and Radio Station for its Flock;
Parents should filter the Content that is watched and heard through the TV’s, Radio, Computer, magazines as well as Social Media before the children consume them; & Worshippers need to share and grow deeply in the Word of God.

Guiding Questions and Prayer Items
1. Allow the Cell Members to share experiences in regard to the above manifestations and signs that the ‘yeast of the enemy ‘has brought forth using Media to influence family.
2. Read through Colossians 2:6-8 and Luke 11:34-36: What is expected of you as a Christian to be able to escape Satan’s deception in Entertainment? (Where appropriate use examples);
3. Use Jeremiah 1:8-10 as a Prayer focus point. Identify any form of Satan’s deception in Entertainment that has affected your Life, Family, Home Cell, Community, Church and Nation; Surrender everything identified to the Lord in prayer.


