Praise the Lord Brethren! The previous Sunday in line with the February theme; “I will build my Church”, we shared on a topic: What is the Church [Deuteronomy 4:1-10, Matthew 16:13-20]. Defining what Church is namely; a) A community of all true believers for all time [seasons]. A community of believers refers to a Christian family where God is the father and they share in Christ’s likeness that’s why we call each other brother[s] and sister[s]. As Church we should desist from segregation or discrimination of people based on their colour, size, age, tribe, gender and position for in Christ we are one body. From the East African revival until today, the brethren refer to themselves as “Abishemwe or Aboluganda” meaning brethren belonging to one father. Therefore, as a parishioner endeavour to belong to a fellowship or a home Cell. There are some who aren’t true believers, first to themselves and secondly to the LORD. Note; being confirmed, baptised or married in Church doesn’t make you necessary a true believer or follower of Christ. It is your relationship with the Lord that makes you a true believer. Enoch lived for 365 years until he was no more and what stood out is that he had walked faithfully with the Lord. Therefore, as brethren, no matter how many years we live on earth, what matters most is walking faithfully with the Lord thus having a personal relationship with him. Do you know the Lord as your personal Lord and saviour? Simeon and Anne also loved the Lord and served Him.
b) The Greek word for Church is ekklesia referring to a body or a community of believers [faithful’s].
c) A Church also may be referred to as a synagogue meaning a Christian community with the foundation of true teaching. We should desist from going to gatherings that have wrong doctrine. d) The other Greek word for Church is Kaleo meaning a group of people called by God and have a special
mission. For example, Jesus Christ calls us to himself and to follow him; just like He called the disciples to himself to make them fishers of men. He therefore calls us today to follow Him that He may nurture, build and disciple us. e) In Deut 4:10[b], Moses was instructed to assemble [gather] the Israelites before the Lord so that they may revere the Lord. Thus Church may refer to an assembly/ congregation or gathering of believers. f) In I Corinthians 1:1-2 Apostle Paul refers to the church as those who are
sanctified in Christ Jesus and are called to be Holy, together with all those everywhere [like the Holy Catholic Church mentioned in the apostles creed referring to the universal Church those everywhere who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord]. h) Church also refers to those who call on the name of the Lord [Rom 10:13].

What the Church is NOT; It is not an event, not a moment [it’s not only in the sanctuary but also in the market/work place – always remember you are Christ’s ambassadors], not a building, or something you go to, not a burden of rules or do’s and don’ts, not a denomination. Reminder: Jesus Christ
is returning for a Holy Church [for the faithful’s in other word’s those without wrinkle or blemish].

Church also refers to a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God.
You may be pondering or asking yourself how can I join this Christian family? Jesus Christ has set the standard and it has no short cut; you must be born again. [John 3:7] in other words, you were born to be born again. The Lord is able to transform you therefore today decide to belong to this family. For it is your choice that determines your destiny and God has given us the opportunity to choose our destiny.
Guidelines and Questions:

  1. Briefly share; from your Family, School/University and Community background, what was [or is ] your perspective or understanding of Church?
  2. In regard to the above definitions of what Church is, where have we Christians gone wrong today? and what’s our mandate?
  3. Prayerfully resolve to Belong to this family and walk faithfully with the Lord.
    More Study Helps: Gen. 5:24, Matt. 4:19, 1 Peter 2:9, Matt. 11:28, Eph 5:27, 2 Corinth. 5:20

    Compiled by Eriya Mutabazi Atukunzire

