‘The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the LORD Almighty’. [Haggai 2:8].
May the Name of the Lord be praised! Following the August Month Theme i.e. Family Economy, Prof. Sam Tulya Muhika shared on the sub Topic “Remember the Lord who gives you wealth” and drawing biblical references from Duet. 8:11-18 & Luke 12:13-21 concurrently.

Home Cell

Reflecting on his personal testimony Prof. Sam challenged the three
(3) All saints Cathedral Congregations’ that a personal encounter and knowledge of God was far better than hearing about Him. He further pointed out that ‘Wealth is Life and Life is Wealth’; and thereafter structured his Sermon on three key aspects namely:
• That three Types of wealth included Material wealth gained through Economic Capital i.e. assets acquired with money, Physical wealth gained through social capital i.e. your relationship with God’s creation like your spouse, children, relatives, friends, humanity and the environment; as well as, Spiritual wealth gained through Spiritual capital as a result of peoples’ personal relationship with God. The Preacher highlighted that all other forms of wealth are relatively good but the greatest of them all is spiritual wealth.[Matt 6:33];
• The Preacher further explained that wealth is acquired through three (3) distinctive ways and these include: hard labour i.e. planted wealth carried out through honest means, legal transfers to you through inheritance; and the irresponsible and corrupt means which
involve gambling, bribery, corruption, Misuse of office and ‘reaping from where you didn’t sow’. This type of wealth is condemned in the Bible [Exodus 20:15 and Proverbs 13:11];
• In circumstance that one is entangled in dishonest means to acquire wealth, he/she ought to confess and repent because God doesn’t accept an offering with blemish. The Lord desires us to attain just wealth. Likewise Employers ought to exercise economic justice [Leviticus
19: 13, 35-36, Matt 27:1-8 and Acts 1:18-19];
• Prof. Sam underscored that Christians needed to remember and know that God has a hand in managing the wealth He has endowed them (Proverbs 3:9-10). Offering thanksgiving to God is one form of accountability to God. God expects us to give reverently, generously and
cheerfully because giving to God is an act of Worship. He also expects us to give Him our tithes, offertory and reach out to the needy/ vulnerable with a compassionate heart. Prof. Sam urged the Parishioners to honour the Lord through giving towards ACP and any other
Church requirements (Haggai 1:2-10).

Guiding Questions and Prayer Items
i. Let the Cell Leader encourage a few Members to share their personal Testimony on how they have remembered the Lord with the wealth He has blessed them. What experience did they go through? [Psalms 128:2];
ii. What does the Lord expect of us as His people [Malachi 3:7-12]?
iii. Devote quality moments to prayers: let each member surrender to God everything that hinders him/her, their Family, Workplace, Church and Nation from honoring God with the wealth God has endowed to them.

Revd. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180
Emails: allsaintskampala.org/kasawuli2000@gmail.com/kasawuli2000@yahoo.com

