Text: Amos 2:1-16
After God punished the neighbouring nations, He also promised to punish
Judah and Israel because they failed to follow and apply God’s Law that had been revealed to them (vv.4-6). This was because while other nations were ignorant, God’s people in Judah and Israel, knew what God required of them.
They instead ignored Him and copied the neighbouring nations in idol worship.

You could have been hearing the gospel messages through different avenues and you ignore it, your punishment is heavier than those who have not heard of it. Note that ignorance is not excuse, you both will be punished, but more to you who have known but disobeyed God.

Meditate on verses 6-7.What is God teaching you in these verses? How are you going to respond to them?

My heavenly Father, my Lord and God, forgive us as a society for neglecting the poor and gone on to embrace corruption. In the name of Jesus Christ we have prayed. Amen.

