Text: Ezra 7:1-28
More than 50 years pass between chapter 6 and 7, and we finally meet the
priest/Scripture-scholar Ezra. The Persian King, Artaxerxes, is sending Ezra back to Jerusalem with more people (especially priests and Levites) and treasure.

Ezra is returning so that he can help restore worship in Jerusalem. Ezra was a scholar who loved Yahweh and His people. Let us note that Ezra set his heart to “seek” the Scriptures, to “practice” them, and then to “teach” them.
Ezra’s attitude towards Scripture is one we should all desire. Reading Scripture is good. But we know Scripture is God’s very word, and because God is known to us through His Word, we should study it closely, from the heart, and apply it into our lives. We should then desire to teach others, somehow (Heb.5:12).

This is what we see in the life of the greater Ezra – Jesus Christ. His food was the will of God, He lived a perfect life according to Scripture, so that His obedience would be accepted by God for His people. And Jesus taught Scripture wherever He went (Luk.4:43). Let us now give our lives back to Christ in obedience to Scripture for His people.

Meditate on verse 6. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me study and understand Your Word.
Help me teach it to other people. Amen.

