Text: Nahum 2:1-13

Assyria had ravaged and crushed Israel and destroyed her people in 722 B.C. (2 Kings 17:3-6; 18:9-11). It had also destroyed Judah and forced her people to pay tribute to their authority. This was the reason why Jonah grew up hating Assyria to the extent that he never wanted to prophesy to Nineveh, the capital, to give them an opportunity to repent so that God forgives them (1:3).

Assyria had accumulated great wealth out of plundering many nations (2:12- 3:1). It was a cruel society. They would take food of the weak in order to maintain their luxurious life. This angered God. It angers God when He sees poor innocent people’s property being taken by the so called powerful in our society today.

God gave the people of Nineveh an opportunity to repent through Jonah, which they did for a short time and went back to original sin. The consequence was the destruction of Nineveh (v.13). Assyria had reached a point of no turning back. God can be patient with you, giving you time to repent. It is important that you grab that opportunity before you reach a point of no turning back. Today is your day, repent and begin fellowshipping with God through His Son Jesus Christ.

Meditate on verse 13. What is God warning you in this verse? How are you going to respond to it?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that You will not render me Your enemy. Do not remove my blessing and opportunities. Let Your grace be heard in all nations. Amen.

